Drunkenrabbit (1986, Brescia, Italy) lives and works in Milan. The name is a pseudonym for Linda Ferrari. Her artistic research is inspired by literature: since she was a child her grandmother used to tell her versos of l’Iliade, l’Odissea, Wilde, Andersen.

Embroidery Hearts is an emotional journey through threads, seen as blood vessels leading to the beating heart of each of us, the core of all matters: honouring time, memories and the wonderful fragility that makes us human beings. A thread that binds time and space. A thread that, like a clock, marks duration and quantity. The titles, indeed, refer to the amount of metres spent for the realisation of the artwork (i.e. '9.5 metres of love', '2 metres of love'). With these works the artist analyses various aspects of daily life, a repetitive gesture that takes her mind off daily thoughts, an ancient gesture that will be lost in time. The ancestral nature of sewing, linked to the poetics of myth: from Penelope who during the night unravels the cloth she had made during the day, to her great-grandmother who at sunset unraveled the collar of the only dress she had and sewed on a different one to give the impression of having a new one.